Economic Independence Strategy of Nahdlatul Ulama

By Dr. Abdul Wadud Nafis, LC., MEI

Nahdlatul Ulama (NU), as the largest Islamic organization in Indonesia, holds a strategic role in improving the welfare of the people. However, global challenges require NU to establish a strong and sustainable economic independence. Economic independence is not merely a goal but an urgent necessity for NU to support various community programs without relying on external parties.

Through the right strategies, NU can optimize its potential in pesantren (Islamic boarding schools), cooperatives, micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs), as well as the management of waqf (endowment) and zakat (alms). This approach will strengthen the community’s economy, foster solidarity, and build independence based on Islamic values.

NU plays a significant role in the social and religious life of Indonesian society. However, in the era of globalization and intense economic competition, NU faces the challenge of achieving economic independence for both the organization and its members. Therefore, NU needs to develop an economic independence strategy aimed at improving community welfare and reinforcing the organization’s ability to support various religious and social programs.

The concept of NU’s economic independence aims to develop the community’s economic potential without relying on external parties. This independence is realized through strengthening community-based economic sectors, cooperatives, MSMEs, pesantren entrepreneurship, and people’s economy in line with the Islamic values of Ahlussunnah wal Jama’ah.

Here are several strategies that NU can implement to achieve economic independence:

1. Strengthening Economic Human Resources (HR)

One of the key factors in building economic independence is enhancing human resource capacity in the economic sector. NU must actively provide education and training to Nahdliyin members to equip them with entrepreneurial, financial management, and marketing skills.

NU can also establish business communities at various organizational levels, from branches to regional levels, to strengthen internal economic networks. This HR development is expected to produce capable and competitive economic players within the NU community.

2. Developing Cooperatives and BMT (Baitul Maal wat Tamwil)

Cooperatives and BMT are financial institutions aligned with NU’s values and can act as the driving force of the community’s economy. NU can establish professionally managed sharia cooperatives to provide financial services to its members, particularly in terms of capital.

BMT can also provide micro-financing for MSMEs owned by Nahdliyin members. Strengthening cooperatives and BMT will create a fair and inclusive economic system and reduce dependence on conventional financial institutions.

3. Optimizing Pesantren’s Potential as Economic Centers

Pesantren has great potential to be developed into community economic centers. In addition to being religious educational institutions, pesantren can manage business units focused on entrepreneurship.

For instance, pesantren can engage in agriculture, livestock, fisheries, and trade. Products from pesantren can be marketed to the broader community through NU networks and digital platforms. By optimizing pesantren’s potential, NU can create an Islamic-based economic model that directly benefits society.

4. Developing Digital Economy

The advancement of digital technology offers NU significant opportunities to expand its economic reach. NU can utilize digital platforms to market MSME products owned by Nahdliyin members and build a community-based NU marketplace.

Additionally, NU can develop digital applications to facilitate zakat, infak, and sedekah (ZIS) payments. Utilizing digital technology will accelerate NU’s economic transformation and increase the competitiveness of Nahdliyin businesses in the global market.

5. Empowering Economy through Waqf and Zakat

Waqf and zakat are Islamic financial instruments that can support economic independence. NU can manage waqf funds productively to establish long-term economic ventures in sectors such as agriculture, real estate, and education.

Zakat funds can also be utilized to provide business capital assistance to those in need. Through waqf and zakat empowerment, NU can build a sustainable economic ecosystem based on Islamic values.

6. Strengthening Local Economy through MSMEs

MSMEs are the backbone of the community’s economy, including among the Nahdliyin members. NU can support MSME development by providing mentorship, training, and access to capital and markets.

NU can also facilitate the marketing of MSME products through exhibitions and digital platforms, so Nahdliyin products can reach a broader audience. Strengthening MSMEs is essential to creating an inclusive and sustainable economy.

7. Collaborating with Government and Private Sector

NU needs to build strategic partnerships with the government and private sector to strengthen its economic independence programs. This collaboration can include entrepreneurial training, business mentoring, and capital assistance.

With support from various parties, NU can accelerate the achievement of economic independence goals and improve overall community welfare.

8. Establishing NU-Owned Enterprises (BUMNU)

NU can establish NU-Owned Enterprises (BUMNU) operating in various sectors such as property, energy, healthcare, and education. Profits from these enterprises can fund NU’s religious and social activities.

For example, NU can manage businesses in hajj and umrah travel services, minimarkets, healthcare services, and property development. With BUMNU, NU can create a stable and independent source of income.

9. Strengthening the Economic Movement of Nahdliyin Community

The community-based economic movement needs to be strengthened so that Nahdliyin members can support each other in economic activities. NU can form business communities in every region to enhance solidarity and economic cooperation among NU members.

This community movement will make it easier for Nahdliyin members to access capital, markets, and various other business opportunities. It will also strengthen social and economic ties within the NU community.


NU’s economic independence strategy requires synergy between the organization’s leaders, pesantren, Nahdliyin members, the government, and the private sector. By utilizing existing potential, NU can build a strong and sustainable economic ecosystem. Economic independence will strengthen NU’s role in improving community welfare and advancing the nation.

Economic independence is key for Nahdlatul Ulama to continue contributing to building a strong, independent, and competitive society. By implementing the right strategies, NU can strengthen the role of pesantren, cooperatives, MSMEs, and maximize the potential of zakat and waqf.

This initiative is not only to improve Nahdliyin members’ welfare but also to enhance the nation’s economic resilience. An economically independent NU will become a driving force for change, creating a prosperous and just society in accordance with the Islamic values of rahmatan lil ‘alamin.


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